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型号  厂家    封装    批号    数量   描述 供货 日期
M16C/62A Renesas   MPU/MCU 20080504
M16C/62A Renesas   MPU/MCU 20080504
M16C/62A Renesas   MPU/MCU 20080504
M32C Mitsubishi   M32C Group How to change a M16C/62A to a M32C/83 designApplication Note 179K/APR.01.02 20031216
M32C Mitsubishi   M32C Group How to change a M16C/62A to a M32C/83 designApplication Note 179K/APR.01.02 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   Special Function Register Header Files for the M16C/62A MCUApplication Note 116K/JUL.01.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   Special Function Register Header Files for the M16C/62A MCUApplication Note 116K/JUL.01.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group/ M16C/62N Group APPLICATION NOTE SI/O3/4 setup proceduresApplication Note 45K/OCT.31.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group/ M16C/62N Group APPLICATION NOTE SI/O3/4 setup proceduresApplication Note 45K/OCT.31.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Variable-Period Variable-Duty PWM OutputApplication Note 59K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Variable-Period Variable-Duty PWM OutputApplication Note 59K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Solution for External Interrupt Pins ShortageApplication Note 44K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Solution for External Interrupt Pins ShortageApplication Note 44K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Protect OperationApplication Note 42K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Protect OperationApplication Note 42K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Watchdog TimerApplication Note 40K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Watchdog TimerApplication Note 40K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer B (timer mode)Application Note 45K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer B (timer mode)Application Note 45K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer B (event counter mode)Application Note 43K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer B (event counter mode)Application Note 43K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode/ pulse output function)Application Note 46K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode/ pulse output function)Application Note 46K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode/ gate function)Application Note 42K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode/ gate function)Application Note 42K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode)Application Note 40K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (timer mode)Application Note 40K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode/ 8-bit PWM mode)Application Note 51K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode/ 8-bit PWM mode)Application Note 51K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode/ 16-bit PWM mode)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (pulse width modulation mode/ 16-bit PWM mode)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode/ external trigger)Application Note 55K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode/ external trigger)Application Note 55K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (one-shot timer mode)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (event counter mode/ reload type)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Timer A (event counter mode/ reload type)Application Note 48K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission used for SIM interface)Application Note 76K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission used for SIM interface)Application Note 76K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode/ transfer clock output from multiple pins function)Application Note 71K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode/ transfer clock output from multiple pins function)Application Note 71K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode)Application Note 77K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode)Application Note 77K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in UART mode)Application Note 79K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (transmission in UART mode)Application Note 79K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (reception used for SIM interface)Application Note 73K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (reception used for SIM interface)Application Note 73K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (reception in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode)Application Note 69K/MAY.16.03 20031216
M16C/62A Mitsubishi   M16C/62A Group Operation of Serial I/O (reception in clock-synchronous serial I/O mode)Application Note 69K/MAY.16.03 20031216
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